Poor Flange Structural Design Can Kill Bolted Joint Performance

Poor Flange Structural Design Can Kill Bolted Joint Performance


The ubiquity of bolted joints is a testament to their performance as non-permanent joints. However, this often leads to complacency in their design. Why would something so cheap be worth much design attention? And so, bolted joint failures are still commonplace.

In particular, the role of the flange design in determining bolted joint capacity is not considered as deeply as it should. Constraints often push creative designers to fit bolted joints into bizarre configurations in order to meet space or assembly requirements. Ingenium has catalogued a series of common mistakes seen in our years of consulting to help you avoid repeating them.  These include:

  1. Thin flanges
  2. Poorly balanced bolt patterns
  3. Gaps in the preload loop
  4. Multi-plane flanges
  5. Radially-oriented bolts

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